Monday, September 19, 2011

Timothy Scott Misner - memorial

The memorial service today for Tim Misner - very sad, but comforting to hear the stories about Tim from his family and friends.  Much healing and comfort will be needed for his family of course.  Ken Saul played a from-the-heart rendition of Danny Boy.  I saw many familiar faces.

I came to know Tim several years back through music.  We were part of a monthly "Corvallis Composer's Guild" - really just a rag-tag group of us that shared our works, methods, and encouraged each other.  I think that group lasted about 3 months but it was still a nice time.

Tim shared some of his production techniques with me and still to this day whenever I mix drums I recall how Tim did his.  He shared with me some of his early versions of his Oregon Trail suite and I was very impressed and proud of him for following his dream.

We were all handed beautiful flowers at the memorial - well, I think dandelions are beautiful - but these were a mix of sun flowers and other field flowers.  Perfect for fall.  Mine's wilting now even though I'm trying in vain to keep it going in a cup of water.

I've got a little bon-bon of an arrangement of a traditional Mexican folk song on my plate called De Colores.  It's just a simple song that pays tribute to the wonder of colors.  I'll dedicate it to Tim.  Now I just have to finish it...and I will.