Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Musical Collaborations Online

This piece on NPR about the growing maturity and acceptance of online musical collaborations is mighty interesting. Sonny Rollins and John Coltrane jammed over the phone, so the evolution of this technology makes perfect sense.

My first random musical "WebJam" happened in 2003 and was with some musicians that I didn't know from a site that originated in Germany - posted was a a synthy groove with some pretty cool chord changes...I liked the groove so I loaded in the basic mix into my DAW, added my Flugelhorn jam track, then uploaded my take to their was subsequently's the result:

Rob's Flugelhorn WebJam with various folks

Now, in 2007, we have a plethora of sites/services (very easy to use and sophisticated) that allow us to musically collaborate with our close associates or total strangers:

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